Bloom Soil Conditioner for sale

$51.00 / Cubic Yard

Our Woody Blended Bloom Soil Conditioner is a great alternative to compost. This provides organic matter as well as nutrients. Doing so will stimulate and improved plant growth in turf, flowers, trees and vegetable gardens.

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Bloom Soil Conditioner:

Our Woody Blend Bloom Soil Conditioner is a great alternative to compost. Bloom provides organic matter as well as nutrients. Doing so will stimulate and improved plant growth in turf, flowers, trees and vegetable gardens.

(70% hardwood fines and 30% Bloom, DC Water’s Class A Exceptional Quality biosolids product)

  • Bloom soil conditioner is already in use by 80+ community gardens around DC. Including the Washington Youth Garden and the District Department of Transportation. Used to nourish street trees and plants.
  • The Guaranteed Nutrient Analysis is 1.5-1.5-0 ensuring important nutrients. The product has a Ph of about 8, which is slightly basic a plus if your soil is overly acidic.
  • It’s great for flowers, trees, grass and vegetables. Helps improve root and leaf growth. Can be used indoors or outdoors.
  • Provides the nutrients of a fertilizer and the organic matter of compost. Helps improve drought resistance and water holding capacity making your plants hardy.
  • You’re getting a more concentrated dose of nutrients and organic matter than you are with other products such as premixed topsoil. So a little goes a long way.

Best use for Bloom Soil Conditioner:

  • Best for lawns and gardens:  Use 1-1.5 inches of Bloom mixed into 6 inches of soil. This is usually sufficient to boost your soil content. Blend it well with your soil as you would with compost or other similar products. Use it to top dress lawns using ¼ – ½ inch.
  • Add to potting or container gardens: Blend 15-20% Bloom into a standard growing media like potting soil before filling your pot or container and adding plants.

Benefits to the environment:

  • Bloom is a local sustainable product recycled from DC Water’s advanced wastewater treatment plant.
  • It’s not only a recycled “closed loop” material. Capturing carbon and keeping it from being released into the atmosphere. Made and distributed close to home. Has a reduced carbon footprint from manufacturing and shipping.

Benefits to your soil & plants:

Moisture Retaining – First a good layer of bloom Soil Conditioner over the top of your soil can do a great deal to improve the water retention for your plants and lawn. Just spread a layer in your beds around your plants. As simple as that your plants will have better access to water, reducing the frequency with which you need to water.

Soil Additive – Second if you wish to improve the quality of your soil you can add a layer of Bloom Soil Conditioner to it. You should dig down a couple of inches and place some Bloom under the soil. By placing Bloom under the soil you will be placing it in the optimum position for the roots of your plant to find the treasure of nutrients ready for them to grow.

Lawn Dressing–If you are installing grass seed. Adding a layer of Bloom Soil Conditioner to the top of the lawn will help the lawn to establish itself. It will allow the grass to spread out and will give you a lush and luxuriant lawn.

Why not buy Bloom in bulk? Save yourself time and money. Using Bloom Soil Conditioner is something you will always need for your garden. Fast Free Delivery. We are Delivering to Maryland and Northern Virginia. Order Now. Use our calculator to ensure that you get the right amount of Bloom Soil Conditioner.

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